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Josh Marks Presents at Conference Concerning Eminent Domain for Pipelines

Posted by DPSS Legal on 7.6.16

Landowners, attorneys, and nongovernmental organizations concerned about the use of eminent domain for pipelines convened in Atlanta to discuss the legal framework around condemnation proceedings and how property owners can effectively protect their interests and their property during these suits. This conference was the first of its kind to bring together national experts on eminent domain and parties who have successfully challenged pipeline companies. DPSS Partner Josh Marks gave a presentation about pipeline condemnation under federal law.

DPSS represents landowners in negotiations with utility companies seeking easements, with special expertise in securing maximum land protection and compensation, as well as in condemnation proceedings.  For more information on these services, please contact Josh Marks.

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Michelle Koufman Presents “Digital Life After Death: Managing Your Social Media Presence”

The Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association hosted DPSS Partner Michelle Koufman's event, "Digital Life After Death: Managing Read Full Article