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DPSS a Proud Sponsor of the Captain Planet Foundation

Posted by DPSS Legal on 12.14.16

DPSS is a proud supporter of the Captain Planet Foundation and recently attended the Foundation’s 25th Anniversary Benefit Gala, Atlanta’s largest environmental fundraiser of the year. The Foundation works to educate and empower the next generation to protect and sustain the environment through various project-based environmental learning strategies that allow for hands-on educational experiences. DPSS was honored to contribute to one such program, Project Learning Garden, which provides students in Atlanta’s schools with a schoolyard garden. Caring for the garden becomes the students’ responsibility, teaching those students lessons in many areas, including nutrition, science, and math.

CPF 25th Gala

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Michelle Koufman Presents “Digital Life After Death: Managing Your Social Media Presence”

The Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association hosted DPSS Partner Michelle Koufman's event, "Digital Life After Death: Managing Read Full Article